Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 7th

Things I can teach my child:

How to take down a silver winged elite playing WoW solo.

Avatar is a lame-ass movie.

The beauty of listening to a symphony with your eyes closed.


Never, ever pour soda into your laptop.

How to roll basil into a chiffonade and chop it.

Pink is not an acceptable color for anything anywhere ever in perpetuity.

Movies are just better on a big screen because it makes them bigger than life as intended.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was secretly a bad-ass.

Vampires should not be sparkly.  Ever.

If you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain.

Norwegian Ridgeback dragons do not make good pets.

Shakespeare is more than a bunch of funny-sounding words.

The Social Network was robbed.

And finally, don't panic and always bring your towel.


  1. Your kid is set for life. :))

  2. Love the soloing the silver elite. However, in my experience, the silver elites aren't nearly as tough as the gold ones...just not as easy to find =p

  3. Christina, that is very true. However, I can't take down a gold elite solo to save my life. I spend too much time polymorphing everything -- (poof) "Look, a sheep!"
